And how to come up with something better
I am a software developer. I started my education as a developer when I was 26 years old having done almost zero coding up until that point in my life. In software job interviews I was frequently asked why I was interested in building software and unlike a lot of developers I didn’t always have an interest in the topic and that was reflected through my employment history. This was a good thing because it forced me to think of a real answer.
I asked some of my peers and colleagues how they got interested in software. Based on those answers it seemed like there was some sort of competition to see who could insert the lowest number into the following sentence: “I’ve always been interested in technology and I’ve been coding since I was ‘X’ years old”.
Why does everyone have the same story? Is it really true that everyone was writing nested for loops before they could talk? I suspect different people will mean vastly different things when they say this statement. While there may be developers who really were writing programs at an early age, perhaps there are others who have a more loose definition of programming. In any case is “I’ve always been interested in…” really a good response?
No. I have said the sentence many times in my life before I realized the flaw: it’s lazy. It begs the question — I’ve been tying my shoe laces since I was 5 — it doesn’t mean I’m interested in knots. Why are you interested in X? Who got you into X? What is it about X that resonates with you? You can take that question and do so much with it but the truth is that most people don’t even know themselves.
How to find the why
Are you really interested in X?
Are you even really interested in the topic at all or are you just trying to get somewhere? In my experience job interview articles just assume you are interested in the subject because you are applying for a job in that field. I have had my fair share of jobs I hated. I don’t think you need to be interested in the subject at all, although obviously it helps.
It’s perfectly reasonable to enjoy reaping the fruits of your labor but not the process. Focus on this and you might learn to enjoy the pursuit too.
Your purpose
How does X fit in to the broader picture? Does it align with your personal vision? What do you hope to achieve doing X — personally and/or as part of a team? Do you have any goals and how does X fit in with them?
Break X down
Think about doing X and all that comes with it. Usually X will have multiple parts — do you love every part or just some of them? What is the difference between the enjoyable parts and the mundane? Are there trends within the parts you like? Try to create a sharper picture of what it is you like about X.
Find out more about yourself
Do a personality test. Don’t all personality tests have flaws? Yes but anything is better than not understanding yourself at all. Try to fit this into the picture — what is it about your personality that might draw you to X?
Why I want to build software
I didn’t always like building software. I didn’t like writing programs when I didn’t know what I was doing. I didn’t like the steep learning curve. I didn’t like setting up my computer for programming. I didn’t like my first developer job (at least at the start). I still don’t like many things about programming. I do like the results. I do like the way my back isn’t aching every day after working a 12 hour shift in a factory. I do like the flexibility, the people and the other perks of working in an office. I like being able to get into a flow state. I have learned to (at least try) not to take things for granted.
Because it’s building something
Better out than in. It’s better to get things out of your head than keeping them locked away. Some people need a creative outlet. Builders (of anything) can stand back and admire their handiwork. It is an achievement, and a way to see your progress.
It’s logical
Often I find humans do not think logically, so it is nice that at least some small way I get my daily dose of logic. I find it helps me think about non-programming topics too. At the end of the day a programming language is just a series of instructions.
It helps other people
If you are selling something or allow something to be sold you are helping someone. You choose your job/hobby. If you are in a position to be picky choose something that does good in the world.
It scales
One of the revelations of the internet era is just how much software can scale. A single person can write code used by millions of people. This is not the case in most other jobs or fields. This means that whatever you do in software the effects can magnify greatly.
There is no ceiling (or at least it’s much higher)
There are only so many doctors, delivery drivers and accountants that are needed in this world. How many developers (and STEM workers) are needed? A lot more than we have. There is so much space to grow in an industry that is constantly changing.
Stitch it together
Don’t forget that it is you choosing to pursue your own area so if you don’t find good answers from these you should seriously review why — and possibly consider doing something else. Simply thinking about these things will help your personal development tremendously. Interviewers will at worst get a break from hearing the same answer they have heard 1000 times but more likely will get to hear an thoughtful answer from someone who has taken the time to consider why they are doing something.
Understanding yourself is an important skill something I have failed at in the past and still not come close to mastering. Self improvement is much more difficult if you don’t know what you need to improve on. I hope you can take something away from this article. Please share your own tips in the comments!